台州华林照明科技有限公司是一家高科技和新能源制造型生产企业,集研发、生产、销售、服务为一体的企业,同时也是LED灯具著名制造商。公司拥有注册商标:华林国际“ 公司专业研发、生产LED亮化系列、LED时空隧道系列、LED特色灯系列、LED景观灯系列。产品适用于文旅小镇、商业场所、娱乐场所、市政工程、城市亮化、工厂矿山、装饰工程等诸多领域。公司始终坚持:“产品零故障、服务零投诉”的发展方针,为客户提供高品位的产品和服务。公司只销售自己生产的产品,并与国内一流科研所,著名设计公司,一级工程公司长期合作。 公司拥有管理、生产、研发、销售、服务五大团队,并与国际品牌供应商紧密合作,以保证我们的产品始终与国际前沿技术接轨。公司产品均有“国家电器产品安全质量监督检验中心”认证。 Taizhou Hualin Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. is a research and development, production, sales and service as one of the enterprises, but also LED lamps Asia's leading manufacturers. The company has domestic trade mark: Hualin International " Companies specializing in research and development, production LED lighting series, LED spatio-temporal series, LED characteristics of light series, LED landscape lights series. Products applicable to Wen brigade town, commercial establishments, entertainment venues, municipal works, City Lianghua, factories and mines, decoration works, and many other fields. We always adhere to the "zero-product failure, service complaints zero" approach to development, to provide high-quality products and services. Companies only sell their own products, and with the domestic first-class research institutes, the famous design company, an engineering company long-term cooperation. The company has management, production, research and development, sales, service five teams, and with the international top suppliers work closely to ensure that our products always in the industry-leading position. Companies the domestic part of the product "China National Quality Supervision and Testing Center for Safety of Electrical Products" certification. |